Applying for FACCTS Funding
Applicants are encouraged to prepare in advance the following statements and documents before starting the application submission process.
I. STATEMENTS, to be drafted, edited, and checked for length (word-count) with a word processor, then copied and pasted into the appropriate text boxes. Please keep the various statements at or under specified word counts.
- A Proposal Abstract, or non-technical summary of the proposed project (not to exceed 125 words)
- A Collaborative Research Statement (not to exceed 250 words) that: 1) summarizes the nature and extent of your professional relationship with the principal research partner in France, 2) indicates areas of strength/expertise that his or her lab will bring to the project, and 3) briefly describes how these assets will complement those of your lab in the context of this project.
II. DOCUMENTS (to be prepared, saved as pdf files, then uploaded where requested)
- A Proposal Description (not to exceed 2 pages) that includes sufficient information to evaluate the project independent of any other document. The document should be understandable to the non-specialist and should state (where appropriate) key objectives, timetable for completion of various stages of the project, and general or specific outcomes (deliverables) that you expect if this project is fully funded. Please make sure that your name appears in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of this document.
- A Biosketch (up to 2 pages in either NSF or NIH format) of the Chicago-based Applicant.
- A Biosketch (up to 2 pages, in any format) of the principal research partner in France.
- A FACCTS Budget Form, to be downloaded, completed, saved, and uploaded with the application. This form requires the following:
— an itemized budget that adds up to the total amount requested
— a brief budget narrative (optional)
— a paragraph-length statement describing the material and
financial resources that the lab in France will contribute.
Applications for funding through the FACCTS Program are now being accepted through the InfoReady platform. Please click on the “Apply Here” button below to access the page where you can submit your application. It is also the page where you can download the helpful “Read Before Applying” document and the required “FACCTS Budget Form.”
Please note that UChicago-affiliated applicants will need to log in using their CNET IDS. Applicants from Argonne National Laboratory or Fermilab (without CNET IDs) will sign in using the “Login for Other Users” window.
Deadline for 2025 FACCTS Application