
No Chains No Masters (Ni Chaines Ni Maitres). Directed by Simon Moutaïrou. 2024, France, 98 min – Drama, Historical Following a public screening, director Simon Moutaïrou will be present for a Q&A at 4:30 pm in SSRB #201. The roundtable will be moderated by Nikhita Obeegadoo, Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies. […]

February 7, 12:30pm Thomas Dodman, Columbia University, Associate Professor of French; Director, History & Literature Program (HiLi) Title: Les Volontaires: a microhistory and social biography of a family in Lorraine from the French Revolution through the early 19th century (book chapter in progress) Location: Tea Room, SSRB