Faculty Exchanges
Financial and Logistic Terms
As part of a broader exchange agreement between the University of Chicago and the Collège de France, the France Chicago Center has been working with Departments and Schools (since 2008) to bring Collège de France faculty members to the University of Chicago campus for weeklong visits. Typically, the partnership works involves at least these three organizations, who commit to the following:
The France Chicago Center:
- provides up to $6500 to support costs associated with the visit. These expenses might include:
– Hotel accommodations, meals and miscellaneous travel (up to $3000)
– Honorarium ($1500)
– Faculty dinner/receptions/lecture costs (up to $2000) - provides limited logistic and administrative support, including arranging accommodations, making honorarium payment, paying travel reimbursements, helping to draft the letter of invitation, etc..
- works with CDF administration to ensure that the visit would count as Enseignement à l’étanger—such that lectures given in Chicago would count toward the visitor’s teaching load at the Collège de France
- arranges matters of the visa; secure non-borrowing library privileges and temporary CNET ID for the visitor
- plays a secondary role in publicizing all events
The Collège de France:
- provides roundtrip airfare for the scholars visiting Chicago
- arranges for lectures provided in Chicago to count toward the visitors teaching load
The Faculty Host/Hosting Department:
- secures the formal (intellectual) support of a department or committee
- extends the letter of invitation to the visiting scholar, with support from the France Chicago Center
- works with the scholar and departmental staff to organize 1 or 2 public eventss
- takes the lead in publicizing these lectures in ways ensures robust attendance
- organizes a faculty dinner (paid by the France Chicago Center)
- organizes other occasions—as appropriate—where faculty and students might meet and interact with the visitor (workshop attendance, seminar, office hours)
- generally integrates the visitor into the intellectual life of the department and the university
- secures the balance of the needed funding, if the total costs of the visit exceed $6500.
Departments or schools who are interested in partnering with the France Chicago Center to bring a scholar of their choice from the Collège de France to Chicago, please contact Dan Bertsche (ddb1@uchicago.edu). All expressions of interest should be received by January 15 for proposed visits that would take place during the following academic year.